Malaysia Income Tax: 人死了, 不必缴税, 你信不信!

Описание к видео Malaysia Income Tax: 人死了, 不必缴税, 你信不信!

Topic: 知少少vs问多多@叻唔切之大马税务之死人要不要缴税!

1.Executor vs Administrator
2. Death Certificate
3. CP57

The information in this video should not be construed as legal advice or opinions expressed in this video are strictly for information purposes. No person should rely on contents of this video without first obtaining legal advice from a qualified professional person. This video is produced on the terms and understanding that the publisher, video maker, and editor are not responsible for the results of any actions taken on the basis of information in this video, nor for any error in or omission from this video. The publisher, video maker, and editor expressly disclaim all and any liability and responsibility to any person, whether a purchaser or viewer of this video or not, in respect of anything, and the consequences of anything, done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication.

#atmhouse #executor #administrator #estate


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