"Blute nur, du liebes Herz" from the St. Matthew Passion - Laura Heimes, TENET, the Sebastians

Описание к видео "Blute nur, du liebes Herz" from the St. Matthew Passion - Laura Heimes, TENET, the Sebastians

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Selection from The Passion According to St. Matthew, BWV 244 (1736)
Performed live by TENET Vocal Artists (www.tenet.nyc) and the Sebastians (sebastians.org)
Friday, March 29, 2019
St. Peter’s Chelsea Episcopal Church, New York City

Complete performance:    • Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (c...  
Full concert program: http://sebastians.org/StMatthewProgra...

Music Director: Jeffrey Grossman
Artistic Director: Jolle Greenleaf

Laura Heimes, soprano

Orchestra II
Traverso: Immanuel Davis, Mili Chang
Violin I: Nicholas DiEugenio, Karen Dekker, Dongmyung Ahn
Violin II: Francis Liu, Tatiana Daubek
Viola: Lisa Rautenberg, Scot Moore
Violoncello: Shirley Hunt
Contrabass: Doug Balliett
Organ: Michael Beattie

Video recording: Erik Ryding
Audio recording: Paul Howells
Audio/video editing and mastering: Overtone Audio

Blute nur, du liebes Herz!
Ach! ein Kind, das du erzogen,
Das an deiner Brust gesogen,
Droht den Pfleger zu ermorden,
Denn es ist zur Schlange worden.

Bleed out, you loving heart!
Alas! A child that you raised,
that nursed at your breast,
threatens to murder its caretaker,
since it has become a serpent.
(translation (c) Pamela Dellal, courtesy Emmanuel Music, Inc.)


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