SMMR of RWBY - The Saga of Seasons: Sharing almost 10 years of one long-running RWBY fanfiction.

Описание к видео SMMR of RWBY - The Saga of Seasons: Sharing almost 10 years of one long-running RWBY fanfiction.

In 2015, I was introduced to the world of RWBY. A unique webshow that had a lot of potential and a vast sandbox for fans to play with. I started out with an idea. A single book. A single story. And now, almost 10 years have passed and this story has evolved into a long running series spanning two books and two anthologies. With a third anthology and third full book planned for the future. Hi, my name is Miles Watson, and I am the author of The Saga of Seasons. I hope you will join me as I go over the history of my long-running fanfiction series and how it started, how some of these ideas came to be, and take a brief glimpse into the future.

If you would like to read these stories for yourself, you can find them on my profiles on the following websites:
Archive of Our Own:

Thank you to SMMR of RWBY for having me, thank you for watching and reading, and may your heart be your guiding key.



To the surprise of no one, the RWBY FNDM has some incredible talent! In RWBY's current hiatus, we wanted to come together to shine a light on these labours of love, and inspire even more! Since the fans are many, the love is a lot and timezones are plenty: instead of a one-off event like RTX, the many events for SMMR of RWBY will take place over a month-long period of time!

We’re planning many different kinds of events with the community! Live panels about creative projects, games, video essays, and more! There’s something for everyone!


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