Zoran Pavelić: Circular Song

Описание к видео Zoran Pavelić: Circular Song

Performance, Saturday, 6.5.2017, duration: 3,10 min, galerie michaela stock
The ''Circular Song'' action is derrived from the video ''175km''/ Budapest, 2015. The video captures the formation of the wall drawing composed from lines plotted in pencil, with a total length in 175 km - which is total length of the wall that Hungary builds at that time on the border with Serbia to prevent the entry of immigrants. In the aktion, author performs 175 circular movements with a 'ball' (wich is a globe painted in black and white with written sentence 'Imigrant Song'). During the performance, the sound from the video "175km" (pencil scratching on the wall) is intensifying.


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