Winter Bushcraft Hike in the Northern Wilderness - Canvas Lavvu - Swedish Torch Cooking - Snow

Описание к видео Winter Bushcraft Hike in the Northern Wilderness - Canvas Lavvu - Swedish Torch Cooking - Snow

Finally out in some winter with snow and cold weather. Bushcraft and simple but good food, three day overnights and hike. First night I woke up to steps maybe 50 m south of my camp. Well not "steps", more like branches breaking etc. like someone running through the brush. Hard to hear exactly because the wind was blowing quite hard. Making 110 videos in the wild has given me these rules to live by in my shooting. Example: Always follow a shot through even though you don't feel it's good. Or always have the camera ready to record and if something out of the ordinary happens, press record without thinking and mess with the buttons and settings later. So I pressed record instantly and within a second I heard a sound..sounded like a big cat. then followed by...well you heard it, your guess is as good as mine. A big female wild boar perhaps but I heard them before and the sound was not quite right. Well... this time I didn't go to check it out. Please forgive me for chickening out. What ever happened the snow covered every trace.

First day was very warm but windy. Unreal temps in early feb actually. Felt like April. Then the next day I woke up covered in snow! I have a question if anybody can guess how I did the shot where the tent was closed and snow covered, me inside and no tracks out of it in the snow lol? The third day was warmer again. Wonder if this was it for winter this year lol.

And to all the self appointed chefs scanning youtube for something to criticize, I know how to make a carbonara, but please... try to imagine you might do it a bit differently when hiking the wild. So please no boring comments about that. Thanks for watching.


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