Harsh rebukes for a gang of stiffnecks at the "Tacos and Tequila" festival in Fort Worth, Texas!

Описание к видео Harsh rebukes for a gang of stiffnecks at the "Tacos and Tequila" festival in Fort Worth, Texas!

Discover the true essence of your spiritual journey with "NEVER Ignore These Commandments: Your Spiritual Wake-Up Call". Join Sicarii Dallas as we delve deep into the vital laws and commandments that shape our lives and communities. This powerful message reveals why so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans are God's chosen people and highlights the importance of following His commandments to regain our heritage and rightful place.

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#BibleTeachings #SpiritualGuidance #SpiritualCommandments #GodsChosenPeople #LawsOfGod

0:00 - Intro
0:19 - Love of God
2:22 - Earth given into the hands of the wicked
3:32 - Friendship of the world is enmity with God
6:06 - All things work together for good
7:15 - Rebellious people
10:29 - Who are the Indigenous Americans
12:47 - The Israelites are God's chosen people
15:24 - The wicked have inherited the earth
16:57 - The pastors have misled the people
17:47 - Christ only came for the Israelites
19:55 - How Do You Show You Love God
21:03 - Why We Go Through Affliction
22:32 - We Glory In Tribulation
24:12 - Easier For A Camel To Go Through The Eye Of A Needle
25:58 - Patience Is Key


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