Three Undeniable Revelations of God to King Nebuchadnezzar: God and Pagan Kings #2 | Dr. Sam Thomas

Описание к видео Three Undeniable Revelations of God to King Nebuchadnezzar: God and Pagan Kings #2 | Dr. Sam Thomas

King Nebuchadnezzar received some revelations from God that were miraculous and undeniably divine. God gave him revelations about future world empires and the coming Kingdom of God. God showed him that He alone is to be worshipped and that He can save His people from impossible situations - even from a fiery furnace. God showed him that God is a mercy - who allows people ample opportunities to repent and turn to Him. He also revealed Himself as a God of judgement - a God who is able to bring down the proud. He also revealed Himself as a God of restoration - a God who is able to restore everything to the repentant. The first few chapters of Daniel bear ample witness to God's revelations to Nebuchadnezzar - the most powerful man of that time.


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