楚少归来揭开谁是最终神话!十万公里长测+拆解!秦PLUS DM-i VS 卡罗拉双擎!Chu Shao returns to reveal who is the ultimate legend!

Описание к видео 楚少归来揭开谁是最终神话!十万公里长测+拆解!秦PLUS DM-i VS 卡罗拉双擎!Chu Shao returns to reveal who is the ultimate legend!

本期节目为大家带来丰田卡罗拉双擎和比亚迪秦PLUS DM-i。经过10万公里的长测之后,我们惊喜的发现两部车的耐久性表现令人叹服,尤其是秦PLUS DM-i,更是给了我们意外之喜。在使用层面,两部车都属于好养活型的,尤其是卡罗拉。把两车拆解之后我们发现秦PLUS DM-i的车身结构和世界领先架构之间还是存在差距的,不过总体上说我们已经见证了国货在产品力上的巨大飞跃。从最初的跟合资品牌拼设计、拼配置,到后来拼车机拼智能化,到如今能拼动力总成的先进性了,而我们需要做的是给它们给多的时间和更多的支持。This program brings you Toyota Corolla dual engine and BYD Qin PLUS DM-i. After a long test of 100K KM, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the durability performance of the two cars is admirable, especially the Qin PLUS DM-i, which gave us an unexpected joy. In terms of usage, both cars are easily-fed, especially the Corolla. After dismantling the two cars, we found that there is still a gap between the body structure of Qin PLUS DM-i and the world's leading architecture, but in general, we have witnessed a huge leap in the product overall quality of domestic products. From the initial competition against joint venture brands in design and equipment, to the intelligentization and electronic systems, and now domestic brands are competing in the realm of powertrain advancement. What we need to do is to give them more time and more support.


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