Why Is Your TSP Invested Like It Is? | Christy Capital Management

Описание к видео Why Is Your TSP Invested Like It Is? | Christy Capital Management

If you're using the individual funds in the TSP, why are you using them?

If you're using the L Funds, why are you using them?

If a friend of yours at work asked you this question, why have you invested the way that you are - can you answer them, and if you can't, do you think you should be able to?

Today we are talking about why.

Why have you chosen the funds and the allocations that you have chosen to invest your money? Now here are some of the answers that I commonly hear.

I made an allocation choice when I was hired and haven't touched it since. But, on the other hand, some of you said, "I put everything in the G fund and have left it there forever because I don't wanna lose."

I've talked with some who have a little money in every L fund offered. However, I still haven't figured out that strategy.

Some get a monthly newsletter that tells them how to invest it.
The correct answer to why you are invested the way you are is that your money is in a portfolio designed to help me reach your goals.

And since everyone has different goals, everyone's portfolio may be different.

A lot of people focus on returns and returns alone.

"What did you earn last year?"
"Oh, I earned more than you did last year."

But then, a couple years later, when the stock market goes down, someone else may have lost a lot more money than you did. A better way to look at it is to determine your goals. Most people we talk to don't walk in and say, "here is my list of goals."

A lot of times, through the process that we take clients through, we can help pull out what their goals actually are.

This is called goal clarification.

If you realize that you haven't done this level of planning, and you've just randomly picked funds, then I bet over the last 10 years, it's probably done pretty well because the stock market has done pretty well.

But you want to take a closer look at "what are my long-term goals?"
Do you have enough money to accomplish these goals?
Are you invested in a way that gives you the best chance to reach these goals?

Taking more risk than necessary is not a good thing.

There's a risk-reward evaluation that needs to be made.

Some people only want to take just enough risk to accomplish their goals and no more. If you're going to work with somebody who does this daily for people, reach out to us here at Christy Capital Management.

Go to our website, christycapital.com.

In the upper right-hand corner, you can click on "Talk with an Advisor" and then put your information, so we can set up a time to talk with you.

Maybe you need help determining what your goals should be.
Maybe your goals just need a little bit of clarification.
Perhaps you need a second opinion to decide whether you have enough to accomplish these goals.
Is your current portfolio set up correctly to help you achieve your goals and match your risk tolerance?

We would love to talk with you and help.

Go to christycapital.com, fill out the talk with an advisor form, and we will be in touch with you.

The information provided is not intended as tax or legal advice. Figures shown are for illustrative purposes only furthermore, the information nor the illustrations provided may not be used to avoid any tax penalties. This content represents the general views of Christy Capital Management and should not be regarded as personalized investment advice Nothing herein is intended to be a recommendation. The opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Retirement Benefits Institute, Inc., and a portion of its contents merged with Christy Capital Management Inc. Brandon Christy, former President of Retirement Benefits Institute, is also the current President of Christy Capital Management, Inc, a registered investment adviser.


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