Памяти Наташи Шнайдер

Описание к видео Памяти Наташи Шнайдер

Богу равным кажется мне по счастью
Человек, который так близко-близко
Пред тобой сидит, твой звучащий нежно
Слушает голос и прелестный смех...
(Из Сафо)

"Безымянной звезде" знаменитой пластинки Давида Тухманова "По волне моей памяти" посвящается.

Звучит песня "Howling Book" из одноимённого альбома (2003 г.) группы "Eleven" (вокал - Наташа Шнайдер).

(Alain Johannes/Natasha Shneider)

Another wailing wall,
A slip, a fall,
An emptiness that holds it all,
I know it blinded.
A star that travels into holes
To get a sense of how it ends,
It's better than to shine uncounted.

Is this my howling book?
Is this all that you took from me?
I wrote it as a way to say...
I wrote it as a door
To take you away,
So far away from me.

Another page to turn
A word, a space,
So many feelings with a face,
I know it blinded.
Another soul you sold
To try to feel,
It's almost like you thought me real,
And so I vanish...

Is this my howling book?
Is this all that you took from me?
I wrote it as a way to say...
I wrote it as a door
To take you away,
So far away from me.

Is this my howling book?
Is this all that you took from me?
I wrote it as a way to say...
I wrote it as a door
To take you away,
So far away from me.

An emptiness that holds it all,
I know it blinded...


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