Visited bespoke tailor HUNTSMAN Savile Row

Описание к видео Visited bespoke tailor HUNTSMAN Savile Row

This video is from when I went to HUNTSMAN, a long-established bespoke tailor on Savile Row Street, London, for the first time in three years.

Founded in 1849, HUNTSMAN is a Savile Row tailor, producing traditional bespoke tailoring for gentlemen and ladies. HUNTSMAN has been granted several royal warrants bestowed by British and European monarchs, including The Prince of Wales, (later Edward VII) and Queen Victoria.

Their ledger books record orders from stars such as Clark Gable, Rex Harrison, Lawrence Olivier, Paul Newman, Dirk Bogarde and Katharine Hepburn not to mention the clothes the house made for artists and fashion designers ranging from Hubert de Givenchy and Bill Blass to Lucien Freud.

HUNTSMAN’s origins begin at No. 126 New Bond Street when their founder Henry Huntsman purchased a “Gaiter and Breeches Maker”, as a bespoke tailors which incorporated an equestrian wear workshop, the house quickly gained a reputation for dressing the hunting and riding aristocracy of Europe for much of the nineteenth century, a specialism which became the very foundations of the house.

Huntsman has served as the inspiration for Matthew Vaughn's blockbuster KING’S MAN movies The Secret Service, The Golden Circle and The King's Man. So no matter when I go, tourists are taking pictures in front of the shop.

The necktie brand KUSKA, for which I am in charge of overseas sales, was originally a textile factory for Kimono in the Tango region of Kyoto, the former capital of Japan, which is famous for kimono textiles.
Currently, a son takes over the factory and manufactures ties under the brand name KUSKA.

KUSKA’s ties are all made by hand, starting with the weaving of the fabric.
Weaving the fabric by hand means that there is not much tension when weaving the fabric, and the finished fabric is soft and thick.

Its high quality and hand-woven texture have gained popularity, and in Japan it has its own store in the Imperial Hotel, famous department stores and select shops, and overseas, its products are sold in the finest tailor shops and multi-label stores.


HUNTSMANは1849年、ロンドンに設立されました。初めは創設者Henry Huntsmanが乗馬服をNo. 126 New Bond Streetで作っていたことから始まりますが、1919年H. Huntsman & Sonはテーラーの集まる通りで、現在もそのお店のあるSavile Row 11番地に拠点を変えることになります。

Huntsmanは英国やヨーロッパ王室御用達のテーラーとして、エドワード7世やビクトリア女王にも洋服を納めてきただけではなく、ポール・ニューマン、キャサリン・ヘプバーン、グレゴリー・ペックなどの大物俳優や有名ファッションデザイナー、 その他多くの重要人物に洋服を提供してきました。

HUNTSMANは人気映画KING’S MANの舞台にもなった場所で、いつ行っても観光客がお店の前で写真を撮っています。




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