On a Dark and Rainy Night - The Story of Yona Amit (Galandauer)

Описание к видео On a Dark and Rainy Night - The Story of Yona Amit (Galandauer)

Yona Amit was born in 1938, in Fiume, Northern Italy (today Rijeka, Croatia), to a modern orthodox Jewish family. Following the German conquest of Northern italy, Yona's family left Fiume, reaching the town of Bagnacavallo, where they went into hiding with the Tambini family. Residents of the town hid other Jews as well. When suspicion arose that their hiding place had been revealed, the Tambini family moved Yona and her family member into hiding with the Dalla Valle family. Later Yona, her brother, sister, and cousin were moved to a convent in the city of Lugo, under assumed identities. After about a year in the convent, the family members reunited in order to try and cross the border to neutral Switzerland, with the aid of Lidia Cattaneo, who supplied them with false papers and arranged for their travel to the border. After an arduous and dangerous journey through the Alps, Yona and her family managed to reach Switzerland. After the end of the war the family returned to Italy, immigrating to Israel in 1950. Yona is an educator and delivers testimony.


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