ANPING, TAINAN: Taiwan history (Fort Zeelandia, Eternal Golden Castle) | 台南安平古蹟歷史(MGY 34) ENG/英

Описание к видео ANPING, TAINAN: Taiwan history (Fort Zeelandia, Eternal Golden Castle) | 台南安平古蹟歷史(MGY 34) ENG/英

Anping is the origin of so much of modern-day Taiwanese history. Not only does it exemplify structures from the Dutch colonial times, it shows remnants of Qing Dynasty's Taiwan and the Japanese Occupation a century ago. A walk through Fort Anping (or Fort Zeelandia), Eternal Golden Castle, and Anping Treehouse (the original Tait and Company Merchant House warehouse) are really the best example of Taiwan's constantly evolving story. We want to thank Andrea for joining us in this production and all of our friends who came along for this big outing! Enjoy this very educational video ~

安平是眾人皆知的旅遊景點,但到安平除了拍照遛小孩,大家還要看些什麼,做些什麼呢?這次的影片裡將跟大家分享一些連台南本地人都不一定知道的歷史知識和常識哦!這次製作很感謝台南老友們的幫忙,包括從台北回來的小學同學。應該說是老友的小朋友吧,呵呵!我們這一群下課只知道踢球,午休愛吃泡麵混時間的臭小孩,居然有這麼活潑,愛好學習的第二代,好欣慰。我們的歷史行程包括安平古堡、億載金城,和安平樹屋(前德記洋行),以前沒拍影片真的還不知道我們台南安平這麼 special!希望大家喜歡 ❤️

Show Me Taiwan is part of the Mommy Gap Year Series.


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