
Описание к видео Santi_Silvi_DATASCAPE_ValerieTse_KaterynaPakhomova_JiahouZhong

Contemporary spaces extend beyond physical reality through layers of virtual relations. Web 3.0 technologies, Virtual Reality and Spatial Computing are shaping what many define as the Metaverse. In this context Digital Architecture acquires a new role becoming the actual environment that people will experience, acquiring a fully functional role like the architecture built in the physical world. Students will explore the design opportunities provided by the Metaverse creating Virtual Spaces or Virtual Worlds designed for virtual human life. The workflow will engage students with the use of computational tools to express their ideas, starting from research and analysis of current Metaverse technologies, student will design and develop virtual experiences to engage people in the virtual environment. Starting from the fundamentals of programming, students will learn to develop visual algorithms to create 3D procedural environments in Rhino/Grasshopper, program virtual reality interactions and immersive real-time visualization in Unreal Engine. No previous experience in Rhino, Grasshopper or Unreal Engine is required.

Architectural Association
Tutors: Mattia Santi and Francesca Silvi
Student: Valerie Tse, Kateryna Pakhomova and Jiahou Zhong


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