The Best Flapjack recipe!

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This is the best recipe for flapjack and it is truly scrumptious, feel free to add things in like muesli or nuts or if you are feeling extra naughty CHOCOLATE CHIPS!!

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225g (8oz) butter,
225g (8oz) demerara sugar,
75g (3oz) golden syrup,
275g (10oz) porridge oats
Preheat oven to 160 degC / Gas 3. Grease a 12 x 9″ tray/roasting tin
Melt butter in a large saucepan with the sugar and syrup then stir in the oats. Mix well and turn into the prepared tin and press down flat with a palette knife or back of a spoon.
Bake for 35 mins or until pale golden brown. Remove from oven and leave to cool for 10 mins before marking into 24 squares. Leave in the tin to finish cooling.


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