Pokemon Puzzle League: Super Hard Mode (No Continues)

Описание к видео Pokemon Puzzle League: Super Hard Mode (No Continues)

Was replaying this and wanted to kick this goal off my gaming bucket list. I was more focused on finishing this without retries first rather than speed, but any match that's over 1'30 gets stale because of how repetitive garbage matches with AIs are. At the start of each match, you just have to be aggressive by doing a long chain, a proper succession of separate chains with combos in between, or use ! Blocks ASAP, and hope that the AI screws themselves over when the garbage blocks land. In Super Hard (The highest difficulty), all opponents behave similarly from what I've experienced.

Also, the original Wii Classic Controller is great, but I need to nab a physical copy to use the much better N64 controller. You'll see some finger slip ups here or there because of said Classic Controller.


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