Getting started with ESP32 development using the TTGO T-DISPLAY

Описание к видео Getting started with ESP32 development using the TTGO T-DISPLAY

Having been asked by many people with type ESP32 platform would be the best one to use to get into ESP32 development I researched this and decided upon the TTGO T-display having used it for a web based rocket launcher project.

Most people starting out will be using the Arduino IDE. I will go through all of the tasks required to get everything for this device up and running so that development can begin. I invite you to explore the example code provided for the resulting installed, as well as included libraries, once this project is finished.

I intend to use this as a springboard for more specific smaller project videos in the future.

Links from today's work

ESP32 TTGO T-Display

ESP32 Board Manager URL:

USB Serial Drivers:

Data uploader add-on for Arduino IDE

#esp32 #iot #arduino #maker


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