X4 Foundations: 7.0 Beta 5: Super carrier capability - Position Defence

Описание к видео X4 Foundations: 7.0 Beta 5: Super carrier capability - Position Defence

Hello everybody,

Some of you might know about the Position Defence, a carrier perk, but did you know that you can use it even when you are in control of the carrier?

It is a nice way to send all the carrier "birds", to go outside in play, and not just according to their bombard and interceptor roles. :D In fact, all the carrier's subordinates will take part in the fun. :)

Also, you get to see why I like to keep my bombers capable of performing intercept roles as well, 60 bombers and 40 interceptors can become 100 interceptors if need may be.

Sorry for the long clip, but the xenon keep coming...and coming....and coming...and coming...and coming...well, you get the idea. :P In fact, they keept comimg for about 2 more hours, once they pop they never stop. :D

About me:
I like to share my X4 Foundations experiences, some because they are really amazing, some because they are really anoying.

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