Last Battle (Genesis) Part 1/6

Описание к видео Last Battle (Genesis) Part 1/6

LIKES___Welcome to my walk-through for another Sega Genesis Classic "Last Battle". This game is based on Cartoon Animated Series "Fist of the North Star" starring Ken as main hero. They changed the name as Aarzak in this game. It is a 2D side scrolling game that consists of 4 Stages. Each stage contains a Mid- Boss & a Final Boss. Aarzak has a power meter which fills whenever he defeats certain enemies or bosses during a stage. When this meter reaches at certain point Aarzak strength increases so does his attacking moves. Aarzak has only one life. If he loses all his health then it is Game Over. Also route he takes also matters a lot in this game. Deciding a wrong move will cost a lot so watch out your steps. Enjoy the play-through of this classic game of 16-Bit era.

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Last Battle (Genesis) Part 1/6
Last Battle (Genesis) Part 1/6
Last Battle (Genesis) Part 1/6

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