Basic Geometry for Kids in Hindi - Line Segment, Side and Angle

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Basic Geometry for Kids in Hindi - Line Segment, Side and Angle
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1.2 Places, Even and Odd Numbers -    • Even and Odd Numbers, Number Place Va...  
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2.2 Addition of Two Numbers -    • Addition of Two Digit Numbers - Learn...  
2.3 Addition with Carry -    • Addition for Kids in Hindi - Addition...  
2.4 What Is Subtraction? -    • Subtraction for Kids in Hindi - घटाव  
2.5 Subtraction of Two Numbers -    • Subtraction of Two Digit Numbers | Ba...  
2.6 Subtraction with Borrowing -    • Subtraction with Borrowing for Kids i...  
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2.8 1 - 10 Multiplication Table -    • Tables 1 to 10 - Multiplication Table...  
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2.11 Long Division Method -    • Division | Long Division Method for Kids  
3.1 Point, Line and Ray -    • Line, Point and Ray - Basic Geometry ...  
3.2 Line Segment, Side and Angle -    • Basic Geometry for Kids in Hindi - Li...  
3.3 Square -    • Square - Shapes for Kids in Hindi  
3.4 Rectangle -    • Shape - Rectangle | आयत  
3.5 Triangle -    • Basic Geometry Shapes - Triangle  
3.6 Circle -    • Shapes for Children | Circle Shape  
3.7 Solid Shapes -    • Solid Shapes | Basic Maths for Kids  
4.1 Length and Angle Measurement -    • How to Measure Length and Angle | Mea...  
4.2 Mass and Volume Measurement -    • Mass and Volume Measurement  
5.1 Perimeter -    • How to Calculate Perimeter of Square,...  
5.2 Area -    • How to Calculate Area of Square, Rect...  
5.3 Volume -    • Volume - Learn to Calculate Volume of...  


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