Lydia Elise Millen The REAL woman - the true self

Описание к видео Lydia Elise Millen The REAL woman - the true self

FOR PART 2 see next video
This is Nicky Lazou. An amazing, world renowned hair stylist and last year a said LYDIA ELISE MILLEN, screamed, shouted and basically abused this 9 month pregnant woman in her home/business premises.
There is proof and LYDIA on her channel on 8th FEBUARY 2021 put out a video making out that she was scared for her life and was vulnerable - LYDIA ELISE MILLEN LIED. If you go on NICKY'S Instagram you can see the progress, but there are Whatsapp messages too, where Lydia started a group to try and ruin Nicky's business.
LYDIAs been found out, hence the no videos and deleting of comments by the thousands.
Lydia has hoodwinked all her subs and followers...this is a bully who at last as been exposed.
Lydia Millen always telling us to "be kind" and her being "bullied" - Well this is the real Lydia - the woman behind the words.
This is the real Lydia Millen...don't know how long this video will stay up before she reports it, but you cannot hide the truth!!!


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