Is the Local Card Show a Relic of the Past? Skipping the big Regional Show for a Local One!

Описание к видео Is the Local Card Show a Relic of the Past? Skipping the big Regional Show for a Local One!

#sportscards #thehobby #cardshow #localcardshow #baseballcards #cardbusiness #whodoyoucollect #thenational #topps

Is it worth going to your local card show? Recently regional and national card shows have grown to be so big and focused on in the hobby and it brings into question whether the smaller local shows are still worth attending? Let's check out my local show on a weekend where the Philly Show is taking place, as well as 3 other larger regional shows in Alabama, Lexington KY, and Columbia SC!

If you're interested in any of these cards check out my Whatnot! -


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