Simple Solid Liquid Manure Separation | Water Reuse on Dairy Farms | Hillcrest Farms (Dearing, GA)

Описание к видео Simple Solid Liquid Manure Separation | Water Reuse on Dairy Farms | Hillcrest Farms (Dearing, GA)

A flush dairy barn with a sand settling lane (to separate sand) and a weeping wall (to separate manure solids) maximizes nutrient use and protects the local water supply. See how brothers Mark and Andy Rodgers employ an elaborate cow cooling system and high-quality rations to maintain high milk production on their southeastern dairy farm. In addition, their small family farm has implemented the following practices:

• Robotic milking machines create highly skilled job opportunities.
• Strip-till farming and year-round crop rotation for greater carbon sequestration
• Riparian buffer protects a local stream and sequesters an estimated 26 tons/acre of carbon annually, offsetting the farm’s GHG emissions

To learn more about steps your dairy farm can take toward sustainability, visit


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