Monster Hunter: World - All Monsters [No Damage/Solo/Light Bowgun]

Описание к видео Monster Hunter: World - All Monsters [No Damage/Solo/Light Bowgun]

All 30 large monsters, defeated without losing any health.


Monsters in video:

Low Rank:
[0:00:00] 1. Great Jagras
[0:08:05] 2. Kulu-Ya-Ku
[0:14:18] 3. Pukei-Pukei
[0:23:27] 4. Barroth
[0:37:04] 5. Jyuratodus
[0:49:47] 6. Tobi-Kadachi
[0:55:57] 7. Anjanath
[1:08:00] 8. Rathian
[1:18:59] 9. Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
[1:28:37] 10. Paolumu
[1:39:11] 11. Radobaan
[1:54:11] 12. Great Girros
[2:00:22] 13. Legiana
[2:12:23] 14. Odogaron
[2:28:51] 15. Rathalos
[2:42:20] 16. Diablos
[2:58:16] 17. Kirin

High Rank:
[3:11:32] 18. Zorah Magdaros
[3:32:20] 19. Pink Rathian
[3:45:37] 20. Dodogama
[3:52:34] 21. Bazelgeuse
[4:06:45] 22. Lavasioth
[4:19:18] 23. Uragaan
[4:30:33] 24. Azure Rathalos
[4:44:06] 25. Black Diablos

Elder Dragons:
[4:56:18] 26. Nergigante
[5:11:10] 27. Kushala Daora
[5:24:46] 28. Teostra
[5:37:23] 29. Vaal Hazak
[5:51:42] 30. Xeno'jiiva

I'm using Vitality Mantle in some of the fights, where it's normally impossible to avoid the damage. This mantle can absorb a fixed amount of damage, but only lasts for 2 minutes. I used it to negate environmental damage (heat from Zorah Magdaros and Vaal Hazak's miasma) and Nergigante's quick jump (barely hurts you but nearly impossible to react in time).


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