20180308 大英博物馆中国玉器收藏 British Museum Chinese Jade Collection

Описание к видео 20180308 大英博物馆中国玉器收藏 British Museum Chinese Jade Collection







20180308 "Overseas Art Feast" asked Carol Michaelson to explain the British Museum jade collection.

Carol Michaelson joined the British Museum in 1991 and has planned or participated in exhibitions such as the British Museum, Shaanxi Cultural Relics Exhibition (1999), Emperor Qin Shi Emperor (2007), Shanghai Museum of Jade Articles and Bronze Show (2009). Michaelson's work on Chinese art is very rich, such as "The British collection of Chinese jade artifact history." At present, she is still acquiring Chinese contemporary jade for the British Museum.

Founded in 1753, the British Museum is the world’s oldest and most ambitious comprehensive museum and one of the largest and most famous museums in the world.

At present, the British Museum has 23,000 pieces of Chinese cultural relics, including paintings and calligraphy, bronze, jade, porcelain, fabrics, sculptures, metals, lacquerware, and costumes. It has thus become the largest collection of Chinese cultural relics.

On December 14, 2017, after a long period of 18 months of renovation, the 33rd exhibition room of the British Museum, which mainly displayed Chinese cultural relics, was reopened to the public.

In 1992, under the financial support of Hong Kong businessman and collector Ho Hung Ching, Hall 33 was titled “The Sir Ho Hung Ching Oriental Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall”. In addition to Chinese artifacts, there are cultural artifacts in South and Southeast Asia. After this renovation, the display has been greatly adjusted. Hall 33 has also been renamed "Sir He Hongqing China and South Asia Exhibition Hall."


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