Felvirradt áldott, szép napunk

Описание к видео Felvirradt áldott, szép napunk

Áldott Feltámadás Ünnepet kívánunk minden testvérnek, barátnak, ismerősnek!
We wish a blessed Resurrection Day to all friends, sisters and brothers!

A Felvirradt áldott, szép napunk című ének eredetileg 5 versszakot tartalmaz, azokat, amelyek “Hallelujá”-val végződnek. A szöveget és a dallamot Herman Miklós szerezte 1560-ban, és Áprily Lajos fordította magyarra.
A közbeeső versszakok egyfajta kibővítésként és személyes alkalmazásaként szolgálnak az eredeti szakaszokhoz. Ezeknek a szövegét és dallamát Kovács Anna szerezte.

This song (which is called “The blessed, beautiful day has dawned”) originally contained only 5 verses, the ones which end in Alleluia. It was written and composed by Michael Herman in 1560, and was translated to Hungarian by Lajos Aprily.
The verses in between were added as an extension and personal application of the original text. They were written and composed by Anna Kovacs.

Előadják: a Kovács Családi Kórus, Kovács Ábel és Kiss Márton.
Performed by: The Kovacs Family Choir, Abel Kovacs and Marton Kiss.

“Mert meghaltatok, és a ti éltetek Krisztussal együtt el van rejtve Istenben. Amikor Krisztus, a mi életünk megjelenik, akkor majd vele együtt ti is megjelentek dicsőségben.” Kol 3,3-4
“For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Col 3,3-4

“Íme, győzött a Júda törzséből való oroszlán, Dávid gyökere!” Jel 5,5
“Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered!” Rev 5,5

English translation of the lyrics:

The blessed, beautiful day has dawned
Today we rejoice with all our hearts
Today Christ has won and when He gives a sign
All His enemies will become captives

By His resurrection Jesus has shown
That no one has greater power than He has
So if I truly belong to Him
No one can cause any harm to my soul

The ancient serpent, sin, death,
Anguish, hell, woe of suffering
Are all conquered by Jesus, our Master
Who is now risen for us

Satan can't accuse me as a debtor any more
Though the charge is true, the punishment has already been carried out
The atonement was accepted on high
My sins are in the depths of the sea, He will never bring them up again

Life triumphs, the grim death
gave back its prey
Its lordship has come to an end
Christ has brought new life

In Christ, I have died and I have been raised up
I am no longer the person I was before
From now on my life is hidden with Him
He is transforming me, He who began the work will bring it to completion

The sun, the earth and all that lives on it
Trade their mourning for joy today
Because the tyrant of this world
Will never rise up again

Many sorrows surround me in this earthly life
But one day my body will also be raised again in glory
The days of the enemy are numbered
Our triumphant song will resound over him!

So let us, too live gladly
And let us sing beautiful alleluias
Let our songs proclaim Christ
Who rose again from the grave



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