SEX TRAFFICKING: A Survivor’s Traumatic Story

Описание к видео SEX TRAFFICKING: A Survivor’s Traumatic Story

A 21-year-old woman shares her harrowing story about becoming a sex trafficking victim at the age of 4. Hear how she is now using her painful experience to educate and help others heal.

Human trafficking is the business of stealing freedom for profit. In some cases, traffickers trick, defraud or physically force victims into providing commercial sex. In others, victims are lied to, assaulted, threatened or manipulated.

Sex traffickers use threats, manipulation, lies, debt bondage, and other forms of coercion to compel adults and children to engage in commercial sex acts against their will. - Polaris Project

1 (888) 373-7888
National Human Trafficking Hotline

SMS: 233733 (Text "HELP" or "INFO")


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