Six Years of GDPR: Planning for the Digital Tomorrow | CIPL Webinar

Описание к видео Six Years of GDPR: Planning for the Digital Tomorrow | CIPL Webinar

There is clear consensus: the GDPR has undeniably brought tangible benefits in terms of privacy awareness to organisations, individuals, and society at large in Europe and beyond. However, several implementation challenges persist, hindering the GDPR’s full potential.

With evidence highlighting both the positives and negatives, it is the perfect time to address the question: Quo Vadis GDPR? What are possible avenues to remove final hurdles and point to the digital future?

This CIPL webinar provided a deep dive into the future of the GDPR, with expert insights from Karolina Mojzesowicz (European Travel Commission), Elise Lassus (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights), Hielke Hijmans (Belgian Data Protection Authority). Our panelists explored the successes and challenges of the GDPR and how we can overcome remaining hurdles.


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