Exploring Duolingo Max: Video Call and Roleplay Features Explained

Описание к видео Exploring Duolingo Max: Video Call and Roleplay Features Explained

Language Journey started September 2019 this video/class is on 7/5/24

Hi everyone! In this video, I'm excited to explore the new Duolingo Max features, focusing on the video call and roleplay options. If you're curious about these features or want to skip to specific sections, I've added chapters for easier navigation. Join me as I share my experiences and thoughts on these cool updates. Enjoy and good luck on your Spanish journey!

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This channel is dedicated to sharing my Spanish Learning and progress As a dyslexic.
I've always wanted to learn Spanish but never did as a child and if I can do it you can too.

I started learning Spanish in September of 2019 and plan on continuing these lessons until I'm able to speak Fluently
#learnspanishonline #italki #spanishconversation #languagelearning #aprenderespañol #intermediatespanish #spanishclass

0:00 - Introduction
1:15 - Setting Up and Starting Duolingo Max
2:19 - Upgrading to Duolingo Max
4:31 - Showing Duolingo Max Features
4:44 - Video Call with Lily
8:16 - Roleplay Feature
13:18 - Practicing Spanish and Learning Tips
17:02 - Conclusion and Encouragement


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