Warriors Orochi 4 | Wang Yuanji Solo Chaotic Difficulty (Ground Combat, Patch 1.05)

Описание к видео Warriors Orochi 4 | Wang Yuanji Solo Chaotic Difficulty (Ground Combat, Patch 1.05)

Hail Blades*: 43+19
Windslay, Aggression, Divinity, Courage, Agility, Absorption, Osmosis, Reach

If Wang Yuanji can find a 3~5 star weapon with a base attack of 50 or higher, it will be stronger than her Unique weapon. This can be useful if she has difficulty landing enough hits with her Unique Magic (UM).


After revisiting all the characters, Wang Yuanji has a more usable EX than I first thought.

What is new (compared to previous upload):
C1-EX carries an element and as a bonus utility, it stuns enemies with a great distance over multiple frames, meaning that the animation for C1-EX lasts over a period of time. Because of this, she has a tool over aggro enemies unlike most Talaria user's (06:23).

C4-EX carries two elements and with Reach, it has very good control and clear with what is around her. At point-blank, it deals strong physical damage. What is good about C4-EX is that it temporarily slows and stuns enemies around her, giving her extra room for breathing space for her to launch more attacks afterwards. Even in enemy SW stages, with the constant use of back-to-back C4-EX, enemies will have a tough time getting close to her.

What stayed the same:
C3-1 is still good in situations where she wants to get an early burst of elements while controlling enemies that are in front of her. Situational, but very good in the right situation.

Her Unique Magic (UM) is still one of her main forms of offense. Fantastic against pileups and tougher enemies. With Aggression, Her UM will OHKO the rest of the game's enemies with the exception of electrified enemies.

With an array of movesets with built-in utilities and really strong UM, she becomes much better than before. Generating combo is not a difficult task for her so the constant use of UM will only help her. Still though, she needs to be played more carefully because of her inability to stagger grounded enemies. If she does get staggered, try to use her Normal Magic (NM) to safely get out of situations as opposed to using the somersault from the Speed-type skill tree ability because it expends a small amount of Musou.

Uploader's Notes:
A fun thing you can do with her Jump Attack (JA) is press it really fast consecutively. This will allow her to shoot up vertically very high and very quickly. This can be useful to dodge incoming attacks and whatnot. It can also be used to boost her Air Musou damage by a good margin (if you so choose to use Musou build, make sure she has Reach to increase her radial hitbox tremendously).


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