Nothing Can Touch Me

Описание к видео Nothing Can Touch Me


It's funny...I tried 5 to 10 times to record this song this morning. I got so frustrated because I really felt like it was the song for today. I literally had to stop recording multiple times because of dumb gnats. I killed several but there was always ONE more. I finally just gave up. I realized I hadn't read my Bible. I picked up my devotion book too and read it. I realized why I couldn't get this song to record. Evidently somebody needs this thought today that was in that devotion book. It's titled "He Knows the End." The thought in it that struck me is this:

"In the every day things, and in the entire life things, He knows the end from the beginning. The day conviction fell upon our hearts and we realized our need for a Savior, He knew when we would accept Him, and how we would use our lives for His glory. The morning we received the unpleasant news, He knew how the day would end, and how He would use it for our good. He knows the end before the phone call. He knows the end before the diagnosis. He knows the end before the proposal. He knows the end before the ________. Regardless of your situation today, He knows the end from the beginning. Trust Him to carry you through. Rest in His strength. Delight in Him."

I'm glad that NOTHING can touch me that hasn't 1st passed through HIS precious hands!!!

"Many times burdens drive me to my knees, and I wonder what the reason can be... for the things that bring me pain, for the day filled with rain, and my tears like a river start flowing again.

Many times I cry, "Jesus, hear my plea! Precious Savior, have mercy on me!" Then my faith grows stronger and I understand that nothing can touch me that doesn't pass through His hand!

Nothing can touch me, though life's billows may roll!
Nothing can touch me, for He's still in control!!
Nothing can touch me unless He says it can...
For nothing can touch me that doesn't pass through His hand!

Many times world conditions seem so drear, and my heart beats ever faster with fear when the pride of mortal man tries to gain control again and it seems that the forces of evil might win.

Many times I cry, "Jesus, hear my plea! Precious Savior, have mercy on me!" Then my faith grows stronger and I understand that nothing can touch me that doesn't pass through His hand!

Nothing can touch me, though life's billows may roll!
Nothing can touch me, for He's still in control!!
Nothing can touch me unless He says it can...
For nothing can touch me that doesn't pass through His hand!"

Thank you to Mary Garner for this request! ❤️

*Written by Lois Begly Dow. I do not own rights to this song.


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