Working Man - an S2J Combo Video

Описание к видео Working Man - an S2J Combo Video

Hey everyone, sorry if this seems a bit rushed (yeah yeah I know it's been months but whatever), but I was starting to lose a lot of steam by the end of this. Also, I recognize that everyone and their mother has made an S2J video, so in the future I'll be doing less overdone players.

In order to upload more regularly, I plan on doing slightly shorter videos so that I don't get worn out and just quit for a long time. The thing is, trying to use clips that are fairly recent while also synchronizing it with the music and making the video over 7 minutes long is a lot to juggle, and I feel like the latter is the easiest to sacrifice. Expect videos around once a month or so.

As for the song/title, I felt like it was appropriate given that Falcon actually works for shit unlike some characters, and also because Johnny's a "working man" now that he has a real sponsor. And I've got a friend who really hates both captain falcon and Rush so I thought it would be kinda funny.

I've read your feedback about who you'd like to see next, so I've got some ideas in the pipeline. If you liked the video, be sure to share it on reddit, twitter, etc., and don't forget to subscribe! I know my uploads are less than consistent, but this way you'll know when I actually release something.


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