Plantar Warts Explained - Lewis Nurney, Singapore Podiatrist

Описание к видео Plantar Warts Explained - Lewis Nurney, Singapore Podiatrist

Warts and Painful Skin Conditions

These are also known as verrucas or viruses.

Warts are caused by a virus called the human papillomavirus (HPV) which enters the skin through cracks or other breaks in the skin. This virus is common in Singapore due to our warm and moist environment. It sits just below the skin causing pain and embarrassment. This condition occurs most frequently among children or those who are immune-suppressed. These can spread easily and patients often notice more than one lesion present on their foot.

Most warts are harmless and benign. Pain occurs when callus over a plantar wart becomes thick or the area experiences a lot of pressure. Bleeding Plantar Warts - When warts are debrided they often bleed and have increased pain when the lesion is squeezed between your fingers.

How can Plantar Warts be treated?
The lesion(s) will be assessed and determine by a podiatrist or a foot doctor if you are suitable for sharp debridement for plantar warts, silver nitrate treatment for verrucas, cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen therapy for plantar warts) or for the lesion to be referred to/left alone.

Plantar warts removal can cause discomfort. It is recommended to wear a comfortable pair of shoes to the clinic and allow a few hours of rest after treatment.

Best medicine for plantar warts?
It is not recommended to use off the shelf products for warts unless you have seen the podiatrist or doctor beforehand. These products often contain acid-based ingredients which burn the wart and the surrounding skin, they are not recommended especially for diabetics.

The longer a wart sets up camp in the skin and multiplies, the harder it is to treat. There are many clinical treatment modalities for plantar warts, including milder and gentler approaches for children.

See a Podiatrist today!


  / eastcoastpodiatrycentre | email: [email protected]

Clinic Locations:

302 Orchard Road
Tong Building #09-02
Singapore 238862

18 Jalan Masjid
Kembangan Plaza # B1-02
Singapore 418944

10 Sinaran Drive
Novena Medical Center #08-13
Singapore 307506

Bukit Timah
1 Fifth Avenue
Guthrie House #02-04
Singapore 268802


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