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Kids, Learn about the planets of the Solar System with the Nirks! It’s Episode 6 of Meet the Planets Up Close & Personal! Planet Saturn! From The Nirks! You’ve met the planets with Vincent, now it’s time to get to know each of them better! In this episode, Saturn tells us all about the amazing features of Planet Saturn - The Jewel of the Solar System, the ringed planet. Saturn is so excited to tell you about all of the unique features including being able to float, having more than 83 moons, and having the most intricate rings of all the planets. Saturn is the second gas giant planet, with no actual surface, that we will meet. Join Saturn in this fun, mysterious song and meet Saturn, up close and personal!
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CHORUS: I’m Saturn, the Jewel of the Solar System
And The 6th planet from our Sun
Named after the Roman God of Time
With mysterious intricate rings that are sublime
I’m the 2nd largest planet in the solar system
Next to Jupiter the biggest one
We’re both gas giants, with no real surfaces
I’m mostly hydrogen and helium gases
One thing about me that makes me very unique
Is that I’m not dense at all, if I was in water I wouldn’t sink
My gases are so light that they would keep me afloat
In a Saturn sized pool I’d drift like a boat
If you combined the mass of Jupiter and me
We’d make up most of the planetary mass in our solar system you see
92% of the system’s planetary mass is us
Because we are both so much more massive than all the rest
You probably know me best for my incredible rings
They are extraordinary, amazing things
I’m one of 4 ringed planets in our solar system
Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have them
Mine are the only rings you can see from the Earth, though
You can see them when you look at me through a telescope
I have 7 main ring groupings – A, B, C, D, E, F and G
With lots of other rings, ringlets, arcs and gaps in between
My rings are made of gas, dust and ice
Creating the ringed pattern that surrounds me and looks so nice
But planets aren’t the only ones that can have rings, it’s true
My moon Rhea may also have rings too
One day on me is only 10 hours and 32 minutes long
If you think I spin fast, you wouldn’t be wrong
I rotate so rapidly that I’ve become a flattened ball
In our solar system, I’m the flattest planet of all
I take about 29.4 Earth Years to orbit around the Sun
I’m very far away, so it’s a while before one orbit is done
I get a lot less sunlight here than the Earth does
It’s a lot colder and darker here but I don’t mind because…
I have at least 83 confirmed moons orbiting me
Plus dozens of more moonlets for you to meet
We keep finding more hiding in my rings
I have my own entire system - my own family
My largest moon Titan has its own nitrogen-rich atmosphere
What lies beneath it is still not completely clear
With a frozen surface of rock and ice
There is potential for it to be the home of alien life
At Enceladus’ southern pole The Cassini Spacecraft found something interesting
Water vapor Geysers blasting into space what could that mean?
The moon is warm enough to have liquid water beneath its surface not ice
Possibly an ocean, and where there is water there could be life
It’s very windy and stormy on me
Creating lots of storms periodically
I have Great White Spot storms that can last over 30 years
They rage on seasonally and then disappear
At my north pole I have a region of Hexagonal clouds
And a hurricane like vortex storm at my South
My winds can be faster than to 1,100 miles per hour
Compared to Earth’s fastest winds which are about 250 miles per hour
Only four of your spacecrafts have ever visited me
Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and 2 and Cassini
They’ve sent back lots of data and pictures all about me
Revealing many of my mysteries
Ammonia crystals in my atmosphere give me my yellowish hue
With oranges and browns and sometimes hints blue
And, Did you know that I have a day named after me?
Saturday is my day the Romans decreed
I’m Saturn the Jewel of the Solar System
And Now My Song is Done
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