I Believe - Mark A. Miller - Harmonium Choral Society

Описание к видео I Believe - Mark A. Miller - Harmonium Choral Society

The Song Within (Annelies), March 2014
Under the direction of Dr. Anne J. Matlack
Harmonium Choral Society
Morristown United Methodist Church, Morristown, NJ
Piano: John Pivarnik
Solo: Grace Van Cleef

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‪@markismusic67‬ : http://www.markamillermusic.com/

The anonymous words of I Believe were scrawled on a cellar wall where Jews had hidden in
Cologne, Germany during World War II. They have come to symbolize hope in the face of the
despairing circumstances of the Holocaust. Mark says: “I composed this as a testament to the power of love over institutionalized hate, whether it comes from government or religion. Several years ago I came upon this poem (I had sung the text years before to an anthem by Jane Marshall) at a difficult time in my life when I was searching for words to embody the pain I was feeling and the hope I was needing. There are rare moments when composing is more like an uncovering of something that was already there- this piece emerged within a few minutes and became a solace and an antidote for my world weariness. My hope is for this sacred gift of lyrics and song to be ‘medicine for the soul’ for all who hear it.”


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