Skyrim: Left for Dead - EP 1 - Basically Insanity

Описание к видео Skyrim: Left for Dead - EP 1 - Basically Insanity

Read the description to find out what's going on!

Stranded in the frozen wasteland of northern Skyrim, can Poly survive all on his own?

Here's the setup for this series! A video form of this should be up sometime soon!
1. Pushover - Must accept all errands
2. Compulsive Killer - Must kill an innocent person once every 24 hours and get away with it. Failure to kill someone results in two penalties. Just getting caught results in one.
3. Nirnroot is scary so we need to take skooma to get rid of the bad vibes, Scoob - If I hear the sound of nirnroot, I gotta get my fix to calm down
4. Uncle Ruckus - Hostile to other elves. Won't help them in the best case scenario. (As a Wood Elf.)
5. Deaf - Voice 0, no subtitles

Alternate Start
Duel Combat Hardcore
Dodge Mod
Deadly Dragons

PENALTIES - Every 5 deaths - 30 minutes
Rules - Cannot change how I'll act just because of a Penalty.
No armor
Iron Dagger only
Foolhardy - Must face every fight head on, no sneaking
Cheesin' It - 15 Cheese in 5 Minutes, can't buy it
Strafe Strafe Revolution - Can only walk sideways

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