How to Change your HP TouchPad Partition Sizes with Tailor

Описание к видео How to Change your HP TouchPad Partition Sizes with Tailor

Hello HP TouchPad users! Today we are going to learn how to change our Touchpad partition sizes to anything we want. This is a very important step when upgrading our version of Android to newer 4.3-4.4.x-5.0.x Roms.

New[ROM GUIDE]How to install Android 5.0.x/4.4.x with Jcsullins TPtoolbox "The Super Easy Way"(XDA)

Note(Important):Android 4.3-4.4+ Roms and Gapps packages are getting larger. Developers recommend increasing the size of the Android System partition to 500MB-600MB. The ACMEInstaller3 only gives us 400MB so I recommend using the WebOS Preware app Tailor to change the partition size to 500MB or 600MB.

Note(Important)If you encounter any problems or errors after using this app you can fix it with the WebOS doctor.
How to Use the WebOS Doctor on the HP TouchPad:
   • How to Use the WebOS Doctor on the HP...  

How to guide for changing your system, data, and cache partition sizes to whatever you want(RootxWiki):

How to install preware and use Tailor to resize the system partition:
1) Boot to WebOs and in the "Just Type" box enter the following: webos20090606 or upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart
-Tap the developer mode icon and slide the toggle to on, then press submit.
-Plug the USB cable into the HP TouchPad and your PC.

2)On your PC Install Java and the Novacom software if need. The nyou can install the WebOSQuickInstall-4.5.0 software

a]Download Java

a]Download Novacom, the Universal installer is now broken. Use the manual Novacom links for your OS below:





Mac OSX:

b] WebOSQuickInstall-4.5.0


3)Run the WebOSQuickInstall-4.5.0 software, note your TouchPad must be connected with the USB cable.
-Click on the Small globe icon located under the plus minus buttons.
-This will take us to a new menu where we will search "preware"
-Click the install button and the Preware app will be installed.
-You may now unplug the USB cable.

4)On the tablet while booted into WebOS navigate to downloads and launch Preware.
-Search for the Tailor app, install it and launch the app

5)First unmount the USB (media partition), then check your file system.

6)Now you will be shown a number that is the the total space in MB for your media partition. Subtract the amount of space you will need for the System Partition for this number. Enter the new reduced number for the media partition and press enter. This may take a few mins.

7)Now Select the system partition and check the file system. Once complete you will be able to enter a new size for that partition and the process will be complete.

Note(Important): be patient and make sure you have a good charge when changing the partition sizes. It could take a longtime to complete. Do not turn off the Touchpad while this is happening and Do not let the Touchpad run out of batteries.

You can also increase the system partition buy using a Flashable zip or doing a fresh install with the new ACMEInstaller5:

Get the Flashable .zip to change the system partition to 512MB here:

ACMEInstaller5, How to Install Android on the HP TouchPad, The Easy Way video:
   • How to Install Android on the HP Touc...  

Download the WebOS Doctor 3.0.5:

Forum Links:
[ROM GUIDE] How to install Android on the HP TouchPad "The Easy Way"(Rootzwiki):

[ROM GUIDE] How to install Android on the HP TouchPad "The Easy Way"(XDA):

How to Uninstall Android or CyanogenMod on the HP TouchPad (All versions)
   • How to Uninstall Android or CyanogenM...  

[ROM GUIDE] How to install Android 4.2, 4.3 and New 4.4 Builds on the HP TouchPad(Rootzwiki)

[ROM GUIDE] How to install Android 4.2, 4.3 and New 4.4 Builds on the HP TouchPad(XDA)


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