Rise of Kingdoms KvK 1 | Account Updates and whats to come with my channel!

Описание к видео Rise of Kingdoms KvK 1 | Account Updates and whats to come with my channel!

KvK is here! Stay tuned to honor pushing pass rallies and much more in the days to come, this is Day 1 of kvk we just wrapped up day 2, I dont want to do these account updates too much I would love to post more quality content thats beginner friendly. Since most of you tuning in are new to Rise of Kingdoms id love to give my take on the game for a newer player, I have a farming and barb / honor pushing video I am editing and will set up to publish tomorrow and the next day! If you have a video or topic you want to see drop it in the comments below and I will do my best to keep the information the best it can be and if it isnt as good as you'd like well just know I brought the vibes at least!


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