Delhi Election Live : BJP दिल्ली में किसे उतारेगी ArvindKejriwalके सामने ? || Prajahit

Описание к видео Delhi Election Live : BJP दिल्ली में किसे उतारेगी ArvindKejriwalके सामने ? || Prajahit

The Delhi Election 2024 is just around the corner, and the battle for the capital city is heating up. With the BJP and AAP going head-to-head, the question on everyone's mind is - Will ArvindKejriwalsucceed against the BJP in Delhi Election 2024? In this video, we analyze the current political landscape, the strengths and weaknesses of both parties, and the key factors that could influence the outcome of the election. From the AAP's past performance to the BJP's election strategies, we cover it all. Watch till the end to find out what the future holds for Delhi and its people.

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