Do Fat Burner Supplements Actually Work?

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Do Fat Burner Supplements Actually Work? - Thomas DeLauer

Catecholamines play a key role in nutrient metabolism and the generation of body heat, aka thermogenesis

They stimulate not only oxygen consumption but also consumption of fuels, such as glucose and free fatty acids, thereby generating heat

They stimulate glycogenolysis and the breakdown of triglycerides, the stored form of fat, to free fatty acids (lipolysis)

Study - Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

Researchers looked at the effects of a fat loss supplement on resting metabolic rate and hemodynamic variables in resistance-trained males

10 resistance-trained male participants underwent two testing sessions separated by at least 24 hours

On their first visit, participants arrived to the laboratory after an overnight fast and a 24 hour avoidance of exercise, and underwent a baseline RMR, HR, and BP assessment

Next, each participant ingested a thermogenic fat loss supplement (TFLS) or a placebo (PLA) and repeated the RMR, HR, and BP assessments at 60, 120, and 180 min post-ingestion

During the second visit the alternative supplement was ingested and the assessments were repeated in the exact same manner


The thermogenic fat loss supplement (Iron Cuts) treatment and placebo were ingested in capsule form, and three capsules were ingested per dose

Capsules were identical in appearance and taste, and the ingredients in the thermogenic fat loss supplement treatment were:

L-Carnitine Tartrate, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Caffeine Anhydrous, Panax Ginseng Root Powder, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, Thermodiamine™ (98 % Evodiamine), Vinpocetine, Inositol.

The placebo contained only inert ingredients (650 mg of maltodextrin and 88.8 mg of hemp protein)


TFLS significantly increased RMR at 60-min, 120-min, and 180-min post ingestion as compared to baseline RMR values

No significant changes in RMR were observed for the PLA treatment

Specifically, RMR was increased by 7.8 % (from 1,906 to 2,057 kcal), 6.9 % (from 1,906 to 2,037 kcal), and 9.1 % (from 1,906 to 2,081 kcal) in the TFLS, while the PLA treatment increased RMR by 3.3 % (from 1,919 to 1,981 kcal), 3.1 % (from 1,919 to 1,978 kcal), and 2.1 % (from 1,919 to 1,959 kcal) above baseline at 60, 120, and 180-min post ingestion, respectively

Additionally, the TFLS significantly elevated RMR at the 3-hour time point as compared to the PLA treatment (2,081 vs 1,959 kcal)

A main effect for groups was observed for systolic blood pressure, and a significant interaction and main effect for time were observed for diastolic blood pressure

It should be noted that although changes in diastolic blood pressure were significant, all values stayed within normal clinical ranges (less than 80 mmHg)

Concluded that the fat burner led to significant elevations in RMR as compared to baseline, and that these elevations came with no adverse effect relative to resting heart rate, but a slight increase in blood pressure values

So taken on a daily basis, the fat burner may increase an individual’s overall energy expenditure

*A meta-analysis published in the journal Appetite 20 of which were selected for inclusion, involving 563 participants looked at capsaicin in the potential role for weight management

that consumption of capsaicinoids increases energy expenditure by approximately 50 kcal/day, and that this would produce clinically significant levels of weight loss in 1-2 years

Fat burners are designed to have a thermic effect on the body, causing your resting RMR to increase - the idea is that they’re additional calories being burned without the additional work,

However, it’s unclear whether this effect leads to significant weight loss or reductions in body fat in the long run - likely would, but chronic use would be required


1) Jeukendrup AE and Randell R. (n.d.). Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism. - PubMed - NCBI. Retrieved from
2) The effects of a fat loss supplement on resting metabolic rate and hemodynamic variables in resistance trained males: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial. (n.d.). Retrieved from
3) Whiting S , et al. (n.d.). Capsaicinoids and capsinoids. A potential role for weight management? A systematic review of the evidence. - PubMed - NCBI. Retrieved from
4) Thermogenesis - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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