BEST OF REDDIT /r/leagueoflegends | League of Legends Community Montage Pt. 3

Описание к видео BEST OF REDDIT /r/leagueoflegends | League of Legends Community Montage Pt. 3

Took me a while but I finally had enough to create another Reddit /r/leagueoflegends community montage with the best of frontpage! Thank you to everyone taking his time and sending me their replay files, wouldn't work without you ❤
The Beach - Sebastian Forslund

PS: I am still looking for high Dia/Master/Challenger players for a highlight of their soloq plays here on this channel, if you are interested just msg. me somewhere :)

If you want to contact me:

Twitter:   / flipwastaken  
Discord: Flip#2017
EUwest: ESGflip
or send me a message on YT/mail.


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