20130417 锵锵三人行 邓小平抽烟故作粗鲁吓退撒切尔夫人

Описание к видео 20130417 锵锵三人行 邓小平抽烟故作粗鲁吓退撒切尔夫人

1982年9月,英国首相撒切尔夫人访问中国,就香港前途问题与中国领导人进行会谈。邓小平严正驳斥了撒切尔夫人的"三个条约有效论",宣布中国领导人决不当李鸿章,表明了中国政府收回香港、维护中国主权与统一的坚定立场。以后,邓小平又驳回了英方"以主权换治权"的要求,使中英关于香港问题的谈判朝着1997年顺利回归、一国两制的方向稳步发展......September 1982, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's visit to China, the future of Hong Kong for talks with Chinese leaders. Deng sternly refuted Margaret Thatcher's "three treaty is in force" theory, when Li announced that Chinese leaders never, that the Chinese Government to recover Hong Kong, safeguard China's sovereignty and unity firm stance. After Deng Xiaoping has rejected the British side "to sovereignty for the right to rule" requirements, so that the Sino-British negotiations on Hong Kong's smooth return toward 1997, the direction of the steady development of one country ......


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