MISKIN tapi bergaya! [Kehidupan] Dengarlah cakap makcik BAWANG tu

Описание к видео MISKIN tapi bergaya! [Kehidupan] Dengarlah cakap makcik BAWANG tu

Okay dah awal bulan, siapa gaji dah masuk angkat tangan! Siapa yang dah habis pun gaji dia pun angkat tangan jugalah. Itulah pe'el orang zaman sekarang ni ya. Gaji RM3000 ke, RM5000 ke, RM10,000 pun. Bila masuk akaun bank je, terus keluar balik, habis beli benda-benda yang tak perlu, ataupun habis bayar komitmen komitmen untuk beli barang barang yang tak patut

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⚠️ Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Investments should be made according to your own financial situation and at your own risk. The content provided here is for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness. I am not liable for any errors, omissions, or the availability of this information. The views expressed are my own and do not reflect the views of any affiliations. I am also not responsible for any comments posted by others on this channel. By commenting, you assume responsibility for your views and any resultant consequences. I am not liable for any damages or harm resulting from interactions on this channel.

00:00 Intro
00:52 Hidup ber"mewah"
01:55 Pulun kerja nak tampung lifestyle
02:51 Berhutang tanpa ilmu
03:34 Pinjam dari diri sendiri in the future
04:07 Budget 50:30:20
04:47 30% untuk kehendak
05:14 Iklan: ASBF dan Takaful
05:35 Tekanan berhutang
06:24 Jangan meyusahkan orang lain
06:47 Teruskan belajar, yakin diri
07:31 Orang tak akan berhenti cakap
08:05 Tahu keadaan kewangan sendiri
08:46 My tanggungjawab
09:18 Aset vs liabiliti
09:57 Tak kumpul aset
10:30 Why do you buy things...
11:00 With money you do not have...
11:31 To impress people you don't like...
12:20 Jangan sibuk benda outside your control
13:01 Bloopers

#financialfaiz #kehidupan #miskin

MISKIN tapi bergaya! [Kehidupan] Dengarlah cakap makcik BAWANG tu


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