Colin Adversity Mock Audition

Описание к видео Colin Adversity Mock Audition

When preparing for orchestral auditions, I think it's important to create a mock audition with less than ideal circumstances to overcome. In this audition I tried to have the deck stacked against me in a few different ways. I allowed myself very little warm up immediately before I started playing to simulate an audition proctor coming to get me before I was really ready to go. I wasn't given a list with the order of the excerpts until I was about to play. I sat down for the excerpts instead of standing up because some places require you to be seated. You can even do these auditions after you have run up and down the stairs a couple of times to raise your heart rate to simulate nerves. All of these steps are important to be ready for the unexpected when it's time to audition! Sorry for the low resolution and occasional clipping in this video. It was made in the stone age!!


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