愛 ● 常傳 - 流芳濟世 之 飛躍舞臺 上集 St. Francis of Assisi Musical: St. Francis of Assisi Musical: On Stage I

Описание к видео 愛 ● 常傳 - 流芳濟世 之 飛躍舞臺 上集 St. Francis of Assisi Musical: St. Francis of Assisi Musical: On Stage I

請瀏覽《流芳濟世》特輯專頁: http://StFrancisMusical.FLL.cc
講述聖方濟一生的音樂劇《流芳濟世》,台前幕後有二百多位義工參與,籌備過程用了十年。在《飛躍舞臺 上集》,幾位演員分享聖方濟對他們的啟發以及參演音樂劇的挑戰與得著。
"St. Francis of Assisi", a musical based on the life of St. Francis, involved more than 200 volunteers and took ten years in its making. In "On Stage I", several actors recount how they were inspired by St. Francis, and also share the challenges and gains they experienced in taking part in this musical.


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