Silent Screams

Описание к видео Silent Screams

Created with CapCut: #CapCut

Verse 1:
In a world where sound is the enemy
We're forced to hide, in silence we'll be
But the creatures lurk, with ears so fine
They'll hunt us down, with a deadly design

Can't make a sound, can't breathe
The silence is deafening, it's all we need
But the terror creeps, in every creak
Our silent screams, will be all we speak

Verse 2:
We tread with care, through the dark of night
But the slightest sound, will ignite
The monsters' wrath, with a deadly roar
We'll be the prey, in this silent score

Can't make a sound, can't breathe
The silence is deafening, it's all we need
But the terror creeps, in every creak
Our silent screams, will be all we speak

In the silence, we'll find our fate
A quiet horror, that we can't abate
The creatures stalk, with a deadly pace
We'll be the victims, in this silent race

In shadows we hide, in silence we stay
Lest monsters outside, our fate seal away
Their ears so sharp, their eyes so bright
We hold our breath, through the endless night

Our footsteps quiet, our voices still
We tread with care, on the silent hill
For in the silence, we find our strength
To survive the horrors, that lurk at length.

Can't make a sound, can't breathe
The silence is deafening, it's all we need
But the terror creeps, in every creak
Our silent screams, will be all we speak

In the silence, we'll meet our end
A quiet place, where terror transcends.


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