Creating Geometric Shapes on a Rectangle

Описание к видео Creating Geometric Shapes on a Rectangle

In this video, we will explore the power of Grasshopper, a parametric design tool used in architecture and engineering. We will learn how to use Grasshopper to create complex geometries by defining relationships between different design parameters.

Through step-by-step instructions, we will see how to create a customizable 3D model of shape geometries. We will start by defining the base geometry and then adding various parameters such as Street Offsets, Street Angles and Rectangle Sizes. We will also learn how to control the overall density of the geometry and adjust the design based on specific project requirements.

Using Grasshopper, we will be able to quickly generate multiple design variations and easily make changes to the geometry. This video is perfect for anyone interested in parametric design, architecture, or engineering and wants to learn how to use Grasshopper to create complex designs.


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