THE BATTLE FOR SOULS :Are you brave enough to fight for the souls of your family and go beyond flesh

Описание к видео THE BATTLE FOR SOULS :Are you brave enough to fight for the souls of your family and go beyond flesh

Are you willing to be courageous and fight for the spiritual well-being of your family. It requires a courage and bravery that is willing to go beyond mere words and actions.
Take a stand, to go beyond what is easy or comfortable, and to actively seek the redemption of your loved ones.
Fasting, as a spiritual discipline, can be a powerful tool in this fight. It is a way to humble ourselves before God, to show Him our earnest desire for change and transformation in our families. Fasting can help us break free from the distractions and temptations of the world, allowing us to focus more fully on God and His will for our lives. It can also serve as a reminder of the urgency of our prayers, a tangible expression of our commitment to seeking God's intervention in the lives of our loved ones.


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