6 Tips For Pruning and Trimming Lilac Bushes | The Spruce

Описание к видео 6 Tips For Pruning and Trimming Lilac Bushes | The Spruce

Give your lilac bushes the best chance to thrive with these 6 tips for pruning. From when to prune lilacs to which part to remove from the plant, these tips will help you care for your lilac bushes properly! Subscribe to The Spruce for beginner-friendly how-tos, real-life inspirations and more every week!

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How to Prune Lilacs:
00:00 Tips For Pruning Lilacs
00:13 Start Pruning 2 to 3 years After You Plant
00:27 Prune After Flowers Fade In Early Summer
00:42 Get the Right Equipment
01:01 Cut Away New Shoots As the Plant Expands
01:12 Remove Dead, Damaged Or Dried Out Branches
01:21 Cut Off Seed Pods

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