uigo [unused] (extended) -- DDR ULTRAMIX

Описание к видео uigo [unused] (extended) -- DDR ULTRAMIX

This unused audio file also exists in DDR ULTRAMIX 2 and 3.

The labels for each audio file in ULTRAMIX games are four letters long. The menu theme titles all begin with "ui" (which presumably stands for "user interface"), while the last two letters vary from file to file but are usually a reasonable two-letter abbreviation of the part of the game where it plays (e.g. the primary menu theme is "uime"; the results theme is "uire"). So what does "go" stand for? Would this have played during a loading screen or something? It does loop awkwardly. Maybe it was never meant to be looped?

Playlist:    • DDR ULTRAMIX music extended  


Информация по комментариям в разработке